Tomorrow is the last day of school. Yes, we go to school from the Tuesday after Labor Day until the last Thursday of June. Holy School Batman!
With this comes ... field trips, treats, teacher gifts, in classroom movies and.... report cards!
Report cards came home today and I'm please to announce....(drum roll please)
Jimmy was awarded...
The Dance Award (huh?)
The Music Award ('duh!)
Honor Roll (I think its new math, you'll see why when I discuss his grades below...)
He is super duper thrilled about these awards as your name gets called off and you get to go up during assembly. he said he had butterflies in his stomach when it came to the honor roll since he's been "working so hard!" Gradewise, improvements across the board with a range of C+ (measurement - empiral to metric has him really screwed up) to A in Phy Ed ('duh) and Music (double 'duh). His teacher said he is a "confident student" with a "positive attitude towards learning". The only advice? "encouraged to stay remain on task even when the task becomes challenging". Don't we all?!
So proud of you Jimmy!! From skipping 5th grade to Honor Roll in 6th grade - woo hooo!!!
Kays report card was GLOWING!!!
Her grades ranged from B (healthy living, IT, writing, number sense and measurement - see above on Jimmy's comments) to A+ (oral communication & visual arts). Her teachers comments were so encouraging and made us smile (and wonder if Mrs Chung is talking about the same kid.....) " "reliable student" "completes written tasks with time and care "is always an enthusiastic learner, seeks new opportunities to learn" "always demonstrates curiosity and interest" "often results conflict in a group" the only advice? "encouraged to more encouraging and understanding of with her classmates" (can the last 2 comments be interpreted as bossy?!) She got Excellents in Responsibility and Initiative (starting to sound like leadership dimensions at work!!!)
Kay - you amaze us, never lose your earnestness and willingness to learn!
Billy - what to say about Billy... once I describe the below, it'll make you wonder what he could do if he actually applied himself and didn't just 'skate' through grade 2...
Teacher comments 1st "works with others to resolve conflicts and is a positive team member" looks for ideas and opportunities for learning" "reflects critically on his strengths and needs" (this is starting to sound like a performance review - have to remind myself he's 8 and in grade 2!!) the advice? "he is encouraged to find a quiet area away from his friends in order to complete his work" (this is called the Murphy curse as all of the LoudAmericans have gotten this feedback repetitively. Grade wise - solid solid B's - A- in Number Sense and Media Literacy. I think the best indication though is, they asked his teacher (Ms Cuttz) if she'd take on Grade 3 next years. She said - only if I get the same Grade 2 class. you must keep them all together. - so... guess who his teacher is next year - we are thrilled! Go Billy Go! Nicely done!
Now, for the actual last day of school tomorrow. Not excited to see the s-it that comes home in the backpacks and see how much sugar they have consumed during the last day of school parties:)
More on that later:)...