Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Jimmy's "prize" at the halloween party

Ready to go trick or treating!

Jimmy's class party

Kays class party

Mr Davis as the tooth fairy

If you need to imagine the energy and excitement level around here, just imagine...

Halloween parties at school & church, Sue's in town, we are leaving for vacation AND everyone gets to get jazzed up on candy for 1 night of the year. YEAH!!!

The kids finally landed on their halloween costumes - Jimmy is the scary guy from Scream, Kay is a witch/vampire and Billy a red (led) Power Ranger (Langer) (remember he cant say his r's - he says l's instead, its sort of a reverse asian thing). To be honest, the only one who had a problem with what she was going to be was Kay. Jimmy found the Scream mask at a garage sale 6 weeks ago and hasnt taken it off since. Billy walked into Target, found the 1st Power Langers costume and was done. Kay on the other hand, has a bit of Grandma Bill in her. We shopped for her costume for almost 3 hours. Including 2 trips to Target and 1 trip to a Halloween store. She "just cant decide". I dont know if its that they all looked good or if none of them were what she wanted. I finally convinced her that she'd make a killer vampire witch and promised to do her makeup separately and FINALLY we were done.

They all had parties at school and while the school has a no treats policy, that didnt stop the mayhem. Jimmy's teacher (Mr Davis) went as the tooth fairy and I have to admit it was a work of art. Sue got to join in the fun and so kicked off our holiday weekend.

The party at church included bringing along Ben C (cousin Ben) and an effort to get everyone out of the house so Tom could finish his last assignment for school before we jet off. There were games, crafts, treats and more mayhem. The boys planted themselves in the haunted house and "worked" the whole time. They scared everyone that came through and thought it was hysterical.

Finally the cue de gras...trick or treating!!! It was awesome. Loads of candy and super fun to see all our friends dressed up and "out" for the night. There was even a gorilla on the loose that was stealing kids candy (only to give it back a block later).

Lucky Sue, the kids are exhausted, have bags full of candy and we are out of commission for 7 days. Good luck! (and thank you !!!)

Happy Halloween!!