Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!!

The Bunny was exceptional this year and arrived with eggs, candy, and gum!! The bunny also brought squirt guns, kites and other outdoor goodies as spring is (sort of) here in Minnesota.

As usual Kay climbed into our bed inquiring, " Did the Bunny come?". It was two hours later when Jim and Bill climbed out of bed looking for info regarding the Bunny. Kay was losing her mind having to wait two whole hours for the boys....all the while threatening to go into their room and drag them out. Finally it was downstairs to hunt for eggs. The Bunny is quite smart and put eggs for each of the kids in a different room, leaving a note explaining who's goodies were where, also placing the eggs in the basement prohibits Nikki from getting into them, one smart Bunny. The entire hunt, 45 eggs in all last roughly 1 and a half minuets, give or take a minute. The kids were amped up and had a ball.

We had breakfast and a relaxing morning, well as relaxing as it could be, with three kids loaded up on sugar. It was a super nice day so we decided to wash the cars and the kids really got into it. Now I say super nice, it was still only 55 but the sun was out, so why not stand on a 5 gallon bucket and spray your brothers with cold water from the hose while they try to hind behind an umbrella, screaming " Do it again Kay" ...really. Only in Minnesota.

We put a turkey on the smoker and let it cook all day, got to the gym, a long bike ride, walked Nikki while Billy and Kay rode their bikes and Tom and Jimmy played one on one basketball.

We were in the process of getting dinner ready when Jimmy found the movie Titanic on TV. For those of you who follow the blog you know all about the recent trip to Iowa and the Titanic exhibit. For those who do not, long story short.... on our trip to Davenport a few weeks ago we went to the Titanic exhibit, which featured the people who travelled on the fatal voyage. When you go into the exhibit you are given a boarding pass which contains all the information about the travelers, and you get to be one of those people for the tour. The kids were enthralled with this and have been wanting to watch the movie ever since. So we "broke the rules" and moved the TV in place so we could watch the movie while we ate, the kids were very well behaved, and the dinner was fun. The only problem is that the movie is 4 hours long and it was a school night, no matter, break one rule, break em all, so we stayed up and watched the movie until it ended around 10:30. It was fun to watch after having been at the exhibit too, they kept commenting "oh that's me" "I remember ...." etc - glad they were paying attention at the museum!

That was not, however, the end. Both Kay and Jimmy had nightmares and ended up in our bed. Lesson Learned: preview movies about momunental death before you show them to your 9, 7, and 6 year olds.

The day was awesome and a very fun quiet family Easter. We hope Easter was full of love and joy for everyone.

The Loudamericans