Friday, May 28, 2010

Jimmy & Jacob G "doing" Justin Beiber

Once a month, Mr Barry (music teacher) has a talent day. It seems that Jimmy has participated in these before with less success than he would like (twinkle twinkle on the piano and an acapella version of ee nee mee nee my nee mo by Justin Beiber). So, here was his chance, the last Talent Day of the year...

Jacob and he have been practicing Baby Baby by Justin Beiber in recess, during lunch, on playdates, etc. Jimmy was to play drums with Jacob singing. (Jimmy would practice by beatboxing ... too funny).

Tom was "finally" allowed to attend the performance with the caveat that "he's outta here when I'm done".

Here's the proof (very lousey video quality but pretty good sound...) You cant really hear Jacob but Jimmy is rocking...