Thursday, April 22, 2010

Boy Scout Overnight

This past weekend the Scouts of Den 2, Pack 306, gathered at Baker Park Reserve for the annual overnight. Jimmy along with 60 other Scouts were prepared to pass one more test in the goal of yet another badge. The main focus of the trip, a simulated survival test.

The Scouts gathered pitched their tents and proceeded to compare who had the best snacks and more importantly, who had the coolest pocket knife. Ground rule one no sharing of pocket knives and number two no using the pocket knife outside of the base camp. Speaking of rules if you go into the woods you must have a buddy and two adults no exceptions.

The troop headed over to the main Lodge for the survival test orientation. The leader Betty described the details and goals of the experiment and teams were formed. The Scouts were given the choice of cool names or gross names, these being 6-10 year old boys you know the outcome, Jimmy and I were part of "Team Constipation". There are 7 items that you must have to survive, according to the experts one is oxygen,one is PMA, a positive mental attitude. Given the choice our group chose the following four items: matches, map, tarp and a campus. The experts say that the four items you need, besides the previously mentioned two are matches, map, pan and a trap.

We headed off into the woods to try and survive the afternoon heat humidity and the obnoxious behavior of teams constipation, zit, fart and barf. We made a lean to with the trap, started a fire with our matches, using the map as a starter and boiled water with the pot. We all managed to survive and astoundingly, according to Betty we were the only group she has ever lead that each team started a fire and boiled water.!
Back to camp for snacks, pocket knife play and relaxation. The scouts went on a snipe hike while the adults played washer toss. It is a combination of horseshoes and yard darts without having anything in common with either, quite fun. Dinner was made by the Webelo's being they needed to get a merit badge. If I were to be asked the merit badge would not have been given. Two cold hot dogs, some luke warm lemonade and a half of bag of chips does not count as a meal. The smores were awesome however and the boys all got a kick out of the ghost stories around the fire.

Lights out at 9:00 pm was strictly enforced so Jimmy and I headed off to bed. It was real comfy in the tent until the temperature dropped to around 34 degree's and we started to fight for the blankets and ended up at the bottom of the tent in a pile , OH camping. 6:00 am could not come soon enough for Jimmy or the rest of the camp. Scouts from my experience are quite self sufficient and it was made apparent a breakfast when we had pancakes with peanut butter because there was no syrup.
Cumalata Cumalata Cumalata Vista!!!