Thursday, May 30, 2024

26 years ago....

26 years ago we woke up to rain, a freaked out dog, and all of our friends/family ready to bear witness to our outdoor wedding. We had no backup plan and somehow the weather gods granted us 3 hours of gorgeous Minnesota spring before the storm of the century hit the Twin Cities. 

Since that day, we've had happy times, uncertainty, 2 international moves, 3 kids plus a bonus kid, 4 dogs, days that felt like they would never end, years that flew by, gut wrenching loss of friends/family, fun, adventure, therapy (more than once!), job changes, terrifying accidents, graduations, and love that is deep and wide and boring and extraordinary and... 

we still don't have a back up plan other than to surround ourselves with the people we love, not take ourselves too seriously, and be the best humans we can be each day. 

Love that Tracy is completely cracking up in this photo and that our family/friends form a heart around us as we started this crazy adventure called marriage. 

xoxox to everyone we love! We can NOT do this without you!

more photos from year 26....