Sunday, May 12, 2024

May flowers …

 Ok, this is a bit of a hodge lodge since last post always a TON has happened. As they say, never a dull moment.

A blog in photo captions...

Big love and hugs to all who mother today. Its beautiful, impossible, loving, heartbreaking, backbreaking work and a special shout out to our kids birth moms. Your light is shining bright in this world. I hope you have peace, love, and one day get to meet your beautiful creations.

Love to all.


Grandma and Grandpa celebrating Mothers Day and Grandma's birthday a day early!

Visiting the peace garden at Methodist Hospital on AM's birthday 

Charlie Parr - First Avenue is the living room of MPLS. Well said, well said 

Forever friends 

Billy's home from college and already climbing the walls

Fishing opener with the Gottsacher clan - be warned 

HOLY F-CKING SHIT! Northern lights from my back deck?! bucket list item for sure and totally freaking out. 

1st days catch

Sunday catch

Fish fry Sunday! 

Tracy's work is tough but someone has to do it! (roller skating, definitely a new challenge) 

The same week we saw him, he was featured in Rolling Stone. I love him even more now.

Coach Clark has fingers crossed that Jimmy gets into Notre Dame (he's currently waitlisted and declined all other schools on a bet he'll get in)

Last day of school

More back deck aurora

Lake Independence - trying to see the aurora the 2nd night in a row 

Gorgeous sunset

Maui was so excited I was home, he couldn't stop wiggling, which is why he's blurry in this photo. NO idea how long he was up there but he definitely was afraid to get done 

Kleo's welcome home gift

Training ride 

Mothers Day dinner at Teresa's. Billy invited me for dinner and asked Kay to join. Very fun and very sweet and really delicious. They both loved it! I also got a massage (from Billy) and pedicure (from Kay)

Day 2 of northern lights
My amazing, smart, kind, calm, centered, fierce and adventurous sister turned 50 on Mothers Day. 50 years ago she was my mothers best Mothers Day present ever. welcome to the club!