Saturday, September 28, 2019

Happy 1st annual 59th birthday Tom!

We love you.  You are the most caring and generous dad, friend and husband.
You do so much for others and all the kids at school love Mr Tom.
You spoil your friends and family with amazing home cooked meals and you do this as an act of service and love.
You drive the kids and their friends ALL over, at ALL times of the day - sacrificing your workouts and "you" time.
You have taken over our weekly bills/reciepts conversation and I am so proud of how hard you have worked on this.
You are funny, insightful and zen when I need it most.
I can't wait to celebrate the next 59 years with you.
I love you to the moon and back.

always the 1st to walk a parade

black jack king

Fishing is his 1st love

Post surgery, he was a trooper


LOVES his friends

An amazing host 

Good at trivia night

A great father

Even when 1 won't get their photo taken

hard core vikings fan

Date night and music

Planned his 40th high school anniversary

Did I say he loved his friends?  Even from grade school?