Friday, March 29, 2013

Billy gets his due!

The kids at Cameron, the school Billy and Kay attend, compete on a monthly basis for certain humanitarian awards, last month was Fairness and this month was Honesty.

Last month Billy's teacher submitted the wrong name for the Fairness award and Billy was overlooked. That however did not deter OL' Bill and was plowed ahead, nose to the grindstone, spreading Honesty toward all those who would listen. His hard work paid off and this month he won the Honesty award along with getting his already earned Fairness award, which pun intended is only fair, right!

He was the only kid at assembly that won 2 awards.

Thats our Billy, Fair and Honest:) 

Billy also completed the section on penguin's and made a beautiful rendition of the Erect-Crested Penguin and having his penguin posted in the hall, which if you don't know having something "posted in the hall" is similar to having an article in the New England Journal of Medicine!

Way to go Billy!