Sunday, June 14, 2020

Congratulations to Jimmy and the Class of 2020

Wow as the Grateful Dead Sang "What a long strange trip it's been"

The class of 2020 was born into the world during the tragedy of 9/11 then persevered through the H1N. The election of Donald Trump, new Covid-19 and civil unrest with the death of George Floyd. Through it all these kids persevered, prospered and succeeded - a testament to our future!  The future is bright because of these kids.

Hopkins High School did a fantastic job with getting a Graduation Ceremony in place.  The families all were given times to arrive at the High School, Principal Bolinger meet each car and gave the Graduate their Diploma and then families were lined up in cars by the grade school they went to, Jimmy went to Meadowbrook, then each group began a car parade around the High School where the teachers were lined up and shouted out encouragement accolades and congrats to each of the kids as they drove by.
Then it was off to the grade schools, kind of like a funeral possession. Once we all arrived at the grade school their were teachers past and present who lined the bus lot and cheered for the Graduation rates as we drove though, it was a fantastic tribute and tearful moment.

We had a big banner on the back of the vehicle that was a tribute to Jimmy and all of his Senior football friends along with VMI and Hopkins Banners. Kay allowed us 1 picture, but it was evident that both she and Billy had fun in the parade.That evening the High School had a prerecorded 2 hour Graduation ceremony where each of the Seniors was featured, several students gave speeches, there were a couple of prerecorded band numbers, Jimmy was in one, and many teachers talked about the students, it was well done and very inspiring. The evening ended with the school showing a picture of each of the Graduates and it was a blast to see all the kids.

Doug and Jennifer came over to watch the program with us and we all commented on how much fun it was.

The High School also asked for kids to submit photos of videos and then they put together a VERY touching tribute to the class of 2020, it was amazing to see everyone.  So proud of all those kids.

Jimmy congratulations on your accomplishment. We know the end of your Senior year and high school career was not what you wanted, however watching you navigate through all the challenges you faced, all the hard and tough choices you made and seeing you mature into an outstanding young man was all a pleasure for your mom and I. We love you, we bless you and we are super excited to travel with you through your next chapter in your life!

Video Tribute - someone is featured pretty prominently