Wednesday, June 03, 2020

22 years of bliss and other stories of COVID-19, 4th edition

Times are strange. Besides a pandemic....

 Kristin went on hospice and the neighborhood is rallying to give her "quality" of life. Her requests: My Burger, concert by Erin/Jay, skinny dipping, seeing the Meadowbrook seniors, a bike ride - we are working it hard!! Its fun, she's still got a great attitude and sense of humor but she is declining rapidly.  Tracy and I have been in tears multiple times but are really focused on making her last weeks everything she loves.

We celebrated 22 years - It was a hectic day but ...we had cajun fish, red beans and rice and then did iPod wars at the fire of our favorite songs. It was a great way to relax. Kay surprised us and made an amazing dessert of meriguine berries chocolate and whipped cream.  YUM!  We've definitely been on an adventure together and I can't imagine doing this without Tom.

Kay is imploding. Between the end of year (a very real risk of not passing classes), up coming drivers test (she hasn't practiced driving in 8 weeks) and her absolute single minded focus on getting a car (remember how Maui came into our lives), she's a hot mess. She's had 5 seriously intense meltdowns. But, she has an amazing sense of self preservation and manages to pick her head up (occassionally) and make ... the afore mentioned dessert, fiery hot cheeto mac/cheese balls and anything else that will make a big mess in the kitchen.  We did have a psych and therapy appointment and they suggested upping her meds. We hate to do that can't feel good to be her and if for sure doesn't feel good to be us.  I will say, however, Kay does manage to manifest what she's wants from the universe out of pure determination, perseverance and picking at your eye balls until you give in.

Graduation - sort of - Jimmy and his friends agreed to a parade past Kristins house so that she can see all the grade school buddies in full cap/gown. Despite protests from all, they had a great time and even stood around talking - forever!  What a great group of kids. More on graduation in the next blog.

The murder of George Floyd, which resulted in peaceful protests which turned to all out civil unrest, curfews, the National Guard, extremist groups and a level of fear, anxiety and uncertainty that won't leave for a long time.  We tried to go donate clean up items however, there were SO MANY people doing the same it was mass chaos. We are going to wait until next week when they'll need more.  It was horrifying and at the same time hopeful.  In a span of 72 hours we saw the worst of humanity and the best of humanity. All while we were trying to honor our seniors, give Kristin some "quality"", celebrate 22 years and deal with a teenager who's struggling with mental health issues.

So, when people ask, how was your weekend....I'm not sure how to answer. Yes? Horrible/Wonderful. Bittersweet. Stressful/Relaxing.  I guess, all of the above. And, the universe sure is teaching us to be present in the moment.

Hope you are all safe and well and finding some way to get through this with healthy habits (as I sip my beer)

Love. Peace.  

The mac and cheese balls

Crab cakes and tomato pie - the taste of summer 

22 years, I feel like I should go back and warn those kids - run, fast, far away!!

Love these kids! 

The gang

Jimmy's 2nd family - so grateful for them. 

Proud proud proud 

The hat....
