Sunday, November 14, 2021

November updates

Maui isn’t happy that winter is coming and loves to snuggle 

Tom went hunting with Carl - always an adventure including getting lost, getting stopped for speeding twice (only 1 ticket) and 2 puppies 

Tracy was an election judge in Minneapolis- super interesting 

Jimmy is coming home for Thanksgiving unfortunately it’s because they didn’t make the playoffs 

Kay’s been sick with CHS for 9 days (& counting) including  trips to the ER but it’s the 1st time she’s been willing to admit it’s because she smoked - claims she’s through out all her pot vape stuff.  It’s a bummer she’s missing work and they love her and she’s SO good at coaching 

Billy killed it in his 1st tournament of the season - 1st in pomsea and sparring - 3 of 3 in demo 

Covid continues to reek havoc at school and work