Its good to know that some things never change. Jimmy is the same happy, outgoing, inquisitive, competitive, talkative and funny kid at 16 that he was at 16 months. And, he is still naked boy. I swear that kid would be naked 100% of the time if allowed. He's been that way since he came home to be a part of our forever family and each day when he walks in, takes off his shirt and shoes and proceeds to relax.
Jimmy didnt have many requests for his "big day" but it WAS a big day.
1st up - the braces came off!! He has a new, braces free smile and is loving how it feels to eat without food getting stuck in your teeth. He also got a big bag of chewy candy and popcorn from the orthodontist as he walked out. Not sure our dentist is happy about that...
Then, it was off to football practice where - drum roll - the local news was there to highlight the Hopkins2017 team. They had a nice 3 minute clip on the nightly news where Jimmy (& his abs) are prominently featured 2/3 of the way through.
He needed to get in some parking practice as his test is next Tuesday so Tom took him to the local church parking lot to practice parallel parking and the T back up parking. Let's just say we need to go out a few more times....
Next up was his favorite dinner (Tom's homemade orange chicken with mondu, rice and Asian green beans) and dessert - ice cream sandwiches (super random but really easy!!)
Finally - presents. He had only a few (but expensive) requests so while it was a short present opening, it was filled with excitement. He got exactly what he wanted and I think he was shocked.
We asked the kids their favorite Jimmy memories from last year and they included: he's nicer to us now, he's maturing and growing up and ... he's sharing way more about his life. Its fun to be (back) a part of his life (In our limited experience, ages 13-15 tend to be break away years that are HIGHLY focused on friends with distain for family. Feelin' it quite a bit with Kay right now but that's another blog ....)
In terms of his goals for the next year - football football football - we tried to add grades, friends and music but ... not sure he's all the way signed up for that yet:)
Jimmy, we love you and are SO thankful for who you are and the adult you are turning into. We are eternally grateful to your birth parents for their unbelievable decisions and to your foster family for their unbelievable care. Not to mention the social workers, lawyers, advocates, teachers, coaches, etc that helped us on the path to finding you and helped you find a strong path.
XOXO - Mom and Dad