Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The rest of July other happenings...

We spent a lovely weekend with the Van Meters at their lake house, catching up, walking, cooking, boat rides, fishing, books... it was lovely. We saw a bald eagle swoop in and catch a fish. They have 4 bald eagles and a nest on their lake, so cool! Heard loons, saw 4 deer and it really felt like a get away. So much so that we didn't take any photos!  However, Harper was my biggest entertainment. All day long, every day. And when she wasn't doing this, she was sneaking off to play with the neighbor kids in the lake.  Sweetie pie. 

Harper at Van Meylters lake house ….

Its also the summer of love. Both Jimmy and Billy are dating and both are getting fairly serious pretty quickly.  They both met through friends of friends and both are dating people very much like themselves.

Izzy, Jimmy's person, is talkative, fun, athletic (golfer!), just graduated St Thomas and shares his religious leanings. They are having deep conversations about their values, life goals and if this can work when he's in law school and she's here. She's going to see him play drums at church in 2 weeks and he's set to meet her parents for dinner. We shall see....

Billy and Juni are with each other every spare minute they can find. She's quiet, thoughtful, loves anime movies, is an amazing cook, has a sweet bunny and they do crafty stuff together (made blankets the other day). She works at an Asian restaurant and he opens the car door for her, buys her flowers and made her homemade soup when she was sick. He's smitten. Once again, we'll see what happens this fall when he's back at school and they don't see each other everyday (she is working on getting her drivers license). 

Cedric  is ranked 3rd in the Nation in Costa Rica! What a season for him! He was only a few 10ths away from 1st and had his best season ever. Thank god for streaming, he's so fun to watch! 

Kay's killing it at work, they love her (kids and staff alike) and this was a recent project she got the kids to "help" her with. So much talent! 

Jimmy had one last VMI grad feature that was posted on social media about all his accomplishments and an interview with him. He will do great things. 

More fun in August and we'll keep you updated!

Love, peace, sun, relaxation and contentment coming at you for August.