Saturday, July 13, 2024

Kay’s very big July!

 Kay hit a few HUGE milestones in the last few weeks!! Moving into her very own apartment AND turning 21!! Woo hoo!

After searching and realizing there is NO affordable (& safe) housing MN, she settled on a very nice apartment in Minnetonka. Its across the street from Jimmy's church and a block from my favorite local bar, Scoreboard.

It has all the amenities (workout room, pool, movie room, etc) and we are hopeful that with her increased work hours, she'll be able to afford it (most of the time). At least we know she is in a safe community close by!

She was VERY organized with packing, everything in its own box and labeled. However, that's not always efficient, she had a LOT of boxes and not all were full. To add to it, we forgot what its like to move into an apartment, with freight elevator, especially when her apartment is the furthest away from said elevator!

Tom did the heavy lifting (literally and figuratively) in helping her plan, organize, lift and move most of her stuff.  Jimmy pitched in on the lifting, moving and I helped with moving in and trying to get it staged in a way that would be easy to unpack.

She's still unpacking but taking her time to make sure everything has its place. Proud of her!

In the middle of all this excitement, she turned 21! We took her out for Brazilian steakhouse and her 1st official (legal) drink.  It was a super fun night despite the couple next to us blatantly staring at us the whole time.  Tom did get the meat sweats so it was veg for a few days after the dinner.

Her friends took her out and (so far) she has survived turning 21.

These are big steps towards adulthood and independence and Kay is doing her best to navigate. We are really proud of her. She's always been feisty and independent and I think she's coming into her own:) Its fun to see.

Kay, love you to the moon and back!!

Mom and Dad 


Its official! 

Gorgeous lobby 

Home sweet home! 

clean spacious, efficient 


more boxes 

again, boxes 

starting to stack boxes 

bedroom boxes 

wardrobe boxes 

Getting ready to celebrate her!

My heart

1st drink, champagne pomegrante lemonade

Family toast! 

She loved all her presents from Grandma, Grandpa, Sue, the dogs and the boys 

Getting carded!! 

1st official carded drink  Our surprise, her Mahi Mahi mounted. Its crazy how big it is, its going in her living room above her couch, if we can get it there!