Thursday, March 17, 2022

My favorite week in March …

So, most people know that I HATE March. The mud, the weather, the grey, the dirt, its long, dreary ... too late to snow shoe and too early to ride bike. Meh.

Over the years I have searched for relief during this terrible month and ...wouldnt you know ...all my favorite things in March happen in ONE WEEK!!  THIS WEEK!!

A run down... 

All Hockey Hair team - Flowchella  Every year there is a hilarious viral video on the MN Hockey State Tournament that features flow, salad and lots of bleach. It cracks me up. Its real and kids really do this.  So fun. 

Holi - Not ALWAYS this week but always close... this year is 3/18. Its a day to celebrate new beginnings. You throw "color" at each other.... some throw back photos of Palm Meadows, the kids loved it and its right in line with the Messy March brand.

St Patricks Day!  This is typically the week that we through our Keggers with Kids party but...given everything going with Jeremiah passing, Kay's "issues" and madness at work (plus lingering COVID) we are going to do St Patricks Day in May...please hold for further information.  In the meantime, there was a "wearin' o' the green" contest at work and the winners had to Rock Paper Scissors for the grand prize, a Target dog dressed as a leprechan.  I was THRILLED so many people dressed up!!

We also do corn beef, cabbage and make Mary Lou's Irish Soda bread.  This year the weather was so nice we also did a quick "little" bonfire. Good times!

PI day. 3/14. I LOVE this day because it celebrates all things geeky and math. Plus its an excuse to wear my favorite math shirt and eat strawberry rhubarb pie. 

Finally, Maui has laid down his strike signs and is back to walking with me in the mornings and on weekends. He's so funny and quirky and cute...

I call this radar sort of rotates around his head

He's found a new place to sit when we are driving to meet Scout or Wendy for a walk. On the armrest next to me. My little navigator. 

I have no idea what I'll do the rest of March. Hide in my basement I guess....

Enjoy this March Madness!!