Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Tom & Jimmys excellent adventure

Flying into DC then driving down to Lexington all with one goal in mind, seeing Jimmy and bringing him home for a few days once school was out. He was more than ready to hit the road and head too DC for a couple of days to find his digs for the summer, figure out where he was working as well as working out and to have some great food!

Tom arrived late in the morning to VMI and meet Jimmy and 2 of his besties and they all went out for lunch. Then was the task of getting 10 lbs of stuff into a 5 lb container however it was accomplished! Then they said goodbye to all of Jimmy's football b buddies and their families and hit the road for DC.

They had great plans to get to DC hit the monuments and really live it up! However Jimmy was tired so they headed over to the closest Korean Resturant they could find for dinner. What a find the food was the top 3 of all Korean Food ( Mrs Choi and Tom hold 1 & 2) it was amazing not only in quality but quantity. Jimmy told Tom on the way in if you're the only white guy in here we may have found a gold mine!   Tom was and they did!

Saturday they spent the day locating Jimmy's apartment for the summer, the subway and how to get from the apartment to work and back. The Supreme Court, the Capital, The House of Representatives all had the lad in awe...They also found the local health club where Jimmy can work out all in all a busy but productive day.

Jimmy is now 6.225 and weights 231 pounds, he is huge and over the next 9 weeks he has to gain 10+ pounds and eat 5240 calories a day! We can only hope he learns how to cook!

Jimmy was bound and determined to get two more tattoos and was not to be stopped, Kids!

The two of the arrived home late Saturday night we had a great family reunion, Kay and Billy were happy to have him home as of course did Mom and Dad! Next up is buying a DC wardrobe but more importantly Kay is set to graduate from High school in a few days, more to come!
