Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Other random august photos

We are continuing our Best. Summer. Ever.  Love MN summers!

Outdoor concert at Hilde Center - Indigo Girls!  Saw SO many friends there!

Neighborhood hangs with the kids.

Barbie Movie!  funny, silly and thought provoking truth telling. 

Sychronized have to see the photo below... 

St Louis Park Taekwondo Reunion and my heart almost burst when Esa and Ace showed up. xoxo. They are my bonus kids and I havent seen them in 3 years.  

Tom's back in business and able to do all activities! His arm is healing well and its fun to see him "scooting" around the neighborhood.

1st photo of the boys of Fall and Jimmy's roomies (Grant and Colin) - RahViMi!

Thanks for keeping up with us.

Sunshine and long summer days....