Monday, November 14, 2022

Billy’s excellent adventures

 1st a quick update on Kay... no photos...of course.

This fall Kay created a resume, applied for 3 jobs, had interviews, GOT all 3 jobs and picked the highest paying one. She started last week! She's an art teacher that travels from school to school every afternoon. She has a HUGE art rolling kit and also gets mileage. Its the perfect job for her and we celebrated last night with a fondue dinner. So proud of her. The job even spurred her to finish her 2 days of community service so now we have the reckless driving ticket behind us. YEAH!!

Billy has been BUSY!  Applying to schools (U of M Engineering and Stevens Point Forestry) as well as kids orchestra concert (all wore PJ's and they played Disney music), halloween, he got a new bow and..not to mention TKD (2 golds and a bronze in South Dakota) but...the BIG news is....he had a blast on his orchestra trip to California.

There were 110 kids, 10 adults, 2 flights, 1 bus and 6 nights hotel.  They saw Disneyland, had a dinner cruise and dance (his favorite) saw sea lions in San Diego and the LA Orchestra. Sounds like a trip of a life time. So so proud of this kids. He's got more adventures in his future and I know he'll handle them with grace and kindness.

Big hugs and full love.

Mom and Dad