Sunday, July 11, 2021

Reigning National Champion…,


Billy is the current reigning 16-17 yo weapons national champion! For a kid that didn't even want to compete in that event, I'm pretty impressed!!  He's thrilled and it was an amazing showing.

Billy and I (Tracy) did a quick turn around after our Glen Lake trip and were back on a flight to Vegas on Tuesday morning 7:30am.  Billy was schedule to compete in forms and weapons Wednesday and sparring Friday, with another crack of dawn flight home on Saturday (6a) so that we'd be home in time for Kay to turn 18 (more on that later).

This was my 1st time traveling with his new competition team - Master Franklins, Master Corwin and MN Star Martial Arts. What a great group of kids, parents, coaches and families. Small but mighty!

Of course, Vegas is NOT my favorite place and the 115 degree weather didnt help (not to mention MGM is a rip off) but...the kids had a gas and Billy is not a "little" anymore, he's a full fledged young adult who navigated Vegas without me while hanging out with his friends. In fact, other than the team dinner I planned for Friday, I didnt even eat dinner with him once.  Totally different experience.

Tuesday was check in, figuring out weigh in (which changed direction a million times) and connecting with the team.  We also explored the hotel and competition and got a lay of the land (so to speak)

Wednesday was the typical taekwondo craziness of waiting in holding, changing ring #, and adjusting brackets.  Billy was on fire and took 4th in pomsea (forms) and, as I mentioned above, 1st in weapons. He was on top of the world. The rest of the team did really well too with more medals and everyone cheering each other on and boosting each other up.

Thursday was our "down" day, including pool time, a coaches workout and LOTS of talking around the strip. It was really hot but, seeing the dancing lights was a highlight (for me at least). Coach took Billy's posse out to dinner and I went back to that great hole in the wall Indian place we found during our trip in March. Yum!

Friday was sparring for 1/2 the team (the other 1/2 was set to spar on Saturday after we left) and it was a rough start. Billy was not happy with how he did and was mad at himself. It was new technical equipment (socks) and they worked slightly different than daedo His competition had obviously used them before and used that to his advantage, hooking his foot on head shots and racking up points.  Its tough to lose when you work so hard, are agressive, fast and skilled but...dont have experience with the equipment. There were tears and a quiet few hours but everyone (including his friends) kept boosting him up letting him know that he was just as good as his competition, hugely improved from last year and it was a good learning experience.  I'm so proud of him. And, while I had to see him so upset, I love how passionate he is about is sport.  Isaac did place, which was a fun way to end the day.  

We watched the matches on Facebook Live on Saturday and were really proud of Master Corwin for taking 2nd and for how hard and fierce Kirstin fought. What an amazing team.

As with most tournaments its a LOT of sitting around and waiting interspersed by moments hight excitement and intensity.

So proud of everyone on this team. Grateful for the coaches and love the other parents.

Go MN Star!!  XOXO - Tracy

Pomsea and Weapons team

Sparring team day 1 

The posse

Getting ready to compete

The coaches 


National Champion!

4th place!

Squirrels win their new jackets - BARS, what ever that means
So excited to take 1st 

This guy (Maverick) stole the show 

Day 1 medalists!! 

He worked hard for that bronze including 2 bloody noses and hives. 

The brackets