Saturday, July 25, 2020

Happy Birthday Kay...and other accomplishments

She was just 17 if you know what I mean....

Kay turned 17 on July 10th and amidst all the goings on around here lately I was unable to post until now.

Kay as always celebrated her birthday with enthusiasm and gusto however with the pandemic she was unable to have a party which has been postponed until MEA weekend, random yes but without reason, no.

Kay spent her birthday hanging out with her friends going mocking, swimming, climbing in old abandoned buildings and other crazy things like that. We celebrated with her on Sunday with dinner from Yum, which was fantastic opened presents and had a great time.

17 we are in awe of her skills as a gymnast, chief/baker, friend, hard worker and her determination to do things her way, every time, always, no doubt.

Since her birthday she has interviewed and got herself a job working at the local golf course. Golf jobs seem to be the summer theme amongst the Loudamericans. She will work 3-5 8 hour shifts each week along with a 6:00 am-2;00 pm shift. We are skeptical but  she seems to think is best because after work she has her whole day free, hummm

She also passed all 3 of her summer school courses.  Algebra 1 term 1, Algebra 1 term 2 and Health (DO NOT ask how you can take term 1 and term 2 at the same time but...she actually got a better grade in term 2 than in term 1 - go figure)

Saving the best for last at 1:45 (insert drum roll here), Kay past her driving test. Yes we now have 4 drivers in the house and an insurance bill that hurts!

Kay we are proud of you tenacity, your determination, your persistence, your relentlessness, your independence, your humor, your love for your friends and your will. We love you, and we are blest to have you chosen us for your family.

Happy Birthday and Congratulations!!

We love you to bits!!!