I do some miscellaneous updates here then do a blog for California and Football. yikes!
In the non blogable type news. We also are struggling with Kay. She dropped 1 of her 4 classes and is failing 2 with a D in the 3rd. We've gotten 3 truancy letters and are 2 letters away from being assigned a truancy officer. We ended up in the ER one Saturday night when a friend of hers called the police for a safety visit, they were concerned Kay was going to hurt herself as she was posting suicidial comments online. We have seen her therapist, our therapist, her social worker and her counselor. In between all this drama, she still holds our hearts in her hand. She is cheeky, charismatic, and charming. She also has 0 motivation and is slowly but surely self destructing. The anxiety issues from last year and the rebellion issues from the summer are magnifying and we are truly at wits end. Yesterday the therapist did a trauma assessment to see what else might be going on since this seems bigger than typical teenage angst. It was brutal to take your kid to a trauma assessment. What could have happened to her? How did we not protect her? What should have done differently? How could we not have noticed? The questions are never ending and I'm not sure there are any answers. But, we'll continue to try and find ways to motivate her to see what a bright future she has and what a strong, independent and amazing person she is. We are also praying she gets her shit together and gets out of her own way since we know the "real" Kay is still in there and just fighting to get out. Its hard to help someone who won't accept help. We are pouring all our love into her and its also maddenly frustrating. The conflicting emotions on a daily basis are exhausting. All our love to her, everyone surrounding her and everyone out there struggling with these types of issues whether directly or with someone you love. It sucks. Never give up. xoxoxo