Tracy over the years seems to always know what she is getting for birthday's Christmas, Mother's Day and I felt she needed to have a super awesome and a surprise 50th birthday , but how and what?
Then I saw an ad for the Golden Valley Pride parade and the headliner was none other than our favorite local entertainer Erin Schwab, and Jay Fuchs and just like that a light bulb went on and I knew that I had to get Erin to perform in our backyard for Tracy. I figured a couple of e-mails a phone call and it would be set, no not really.
I sent out a save the date e-mail and made sure everyone knew it was a surprise and to keep the e-mail info from Tracy I used my work e-mail. Then I never heard back from Erin or her people, what to do? There really was only one option, Social Media Stalking, I mean it was not my fault i did not get any repossess to my " traditional " messages. I sent e-mails to the producers of The Jason Show, a local talk show where each day Erin is on the show working with audience, no response. I looked at her local schedule and called and sent e-mails the those people, sorry we can give out that info, WHAT!!!
I called the local Prism folks as she was playing there and tried to buy a ticket but they were sold out, getting kind of desperate here, I mean it was mid May I had all these people I sent save the day e-mail to didn't have a back up plan.. Happy Birthday Tracy one ones here because my plans fell through but here's a beer and a pedicure coupon, I needed to take the offense, seriously.
Back to the Social Media stalking I hadn't got caught thus far and figured full steam ahead. The Golden Valley Pride parade was just around the corner so I did a deep dive into the organization and who was on the board of directors, a hit, Kay"s friend Hannah"s parents were two if the founding members of the parade, I felt goosebumps this had to work. I called them, left a voicemail, sent e-mails, got out of the office replies, bought some more Surly, drank that and started back at it. Then ...Bingo... I received an email from the people running the Pride Parade asking how they could help and in the next e-mail was a response from Erin, " Hi Tom, How can I help" SALVATION.
There were a few more bugs to work out but she finally cleared her and Jay's calendar for Saturday, June 23RD in our backyard from 7-9:30, and my problems were just beginning .
Tracy has always loved the Golden Valley Fireman's Street Dance mainly because it is a street dance, they have 80"s cheesey entertainers, but it always falls on her birthday weekend so she like to invite literally everyone we know from around the world to meet us there, this year was no exception. So while I was sneakingly inviting people to our house for her surprise parry she was sending emails to 180 people telling them to meet us at the fireman dance. So i had to hack into her e-mail account copy the e-mails from her sent folder and invite 180 people to our house, OMG! And she did this like three times and finally I was out, I sent an e-mail with the info, where to park and what time to be here.
In the middle of all this I had to run the Annual Golf for the gift Golf tournament. Tracy's mom and dad have been part of this for the past few years and that was the cover they used to sneak into town for the Party. Tracy's Sister Tammy flew in Thursday am, helped all day at the tourney and when she got back to or house she was Tracy's surprise present. It was great because it was the reason Tracy assumed I was acting like a lunatic for the past couple of weeks. Her response to Tammy walking in at 9pm? "what are you doing here?" She got endless shit for that response the rest of the weekend.
Then the day before the party, which at this point I'm shocked is still a surprise, Tracy announces because her Mom and Dad & Tammy are here that she is clearing her calendar and taking the day off, NOOOOOOOOO, big smile on our faces, that will be great what fun, the hell am I supposed to get all this done while she is here, more Surly..
Finally Wendy showed up on Saturday afternoon and Tracy was scurried out of the house...sign but then I received and e-mail from Erin telling me she had bronchitis..really at 3:00 the day of she said she would still come and do her best..
Meanwhile my friend Bill and Jim fellows were cutting the meat as fast as they coulee I was cooking the BBQ sauce and Amy and her daughter Anna along with Jim and Bunny were setting up tables, chairs decorations...
Jim and Jen brought the worlds largest cake which was awesome.
Finally the Jazz Band started to roll in and set up people started to show and out was on!
I got text updates from Tammy and Wendy and when Tracy came around the corner there were about 50 people in the back yard the Jazz band was playing When the Saints come Marching In, Tracy was clueless and surprised!!!
Then a bit later she was in the house and I asked her what she was doing and she said " I'm getting my bike light and jacket. arenarentt we all going to drive up ti the Fireman's Dance.
I brought her outside and introduced to to Jay and Erin and she about died!!!
Thanks everyone for the help, love, generosity and for being part of Tracy's Birthday!!