The day turned out to be yet another unbelievable day here in Minnesota, the weather has been crazy and St. Patrick's Day was no different what with the temp in the low 80"s!
The weather brought our about 125 of our closest friends tot he party and party we did! This is the first time in the past 11 years, we think this was the 11Th annual, that we ran out of food, cookies, chips and even killed the keg! YIKES.
Kay was asked at school to write a letter the a Leprechaun and it sums up the day:
Dear Leprechaun,
Just wanted to tell you that I don't need that pot of gold to be loved, to breath fresh air, to have shelter, to have peace, to have great friends and to be healthy. But if I had the pot of gold I wouldn't be healthy because I would be eating junk food.
Truly yours,
Sincerely Kay.