Kay and Billy woke up and immediately got dressed in their costumes. A cheerleader for Kay (new outfit of course because the current Green Bay Packer and U of M ones just wouldnt do). Bill was the black Iron Man (he was Bat Man last year and a Power Ranger the year before, notice a trend??) Kay spent the day making up cheers for everything, including going to Target and boo-ing Wal-Mart as we drove past. Billy was very proud of his muscles in his outfit and was pretty cute (gotta love those foam abs)
We barely made it to 5pm before the kids had to do a quick round of trick or treating on our street. Now, keep in mind, there are only 7 houses on our street, 1 is empty and ours is the only 1 with kids over the age of 2. so...what do our neighbors do??? They load up on full size candy bars just for our kids. Nice.
Next up, hooking up with our neighborhood friends to scour the subdivision. Anders, Bjorn, Ben, Anna, Cole and Ella - a bit of a goat rodeo but way too much fun. They got so much candy that Billy's treat bag actually ripped open. They even got a sticker/activity book from a former teacher. Yeah!
But...let's hear it from the horses mouth:
Billy - "My favorite thing was all the candy!" "My muscles were awesome!"
Kay - "I loved seeing Ella and walking around with her" "My outfit was pretty - I even matched my make up"
Note: this IS Minnesota, gloves and a hat with your costume are mandatory, at least they didnt have to wear their snow suits under it
Jimmy is noticably absence in the days activities. He had a haunted house birthday party and sleep over Friday, a Grand Slam birthday party all day Saturday and an outing to Valley Scare on Saturday night. After the Vikings loss on Sunday afternoon, he just wasnt up for any social activity, no matter how much candy was involved.
We'll leave you with Kay's story about Halloween traditions in our family - written in class
Halloween Night - by Kay Murphy
On Halloween night are house has lites on it. I get drest up in my halloween costum. this year I'm a cerleter and last year I was a witch. this year we got kitkats for candy. last year we got snickers but last year we went to our conn ben's house and we went tricer treting. it was rilley rilley fun an dwe came home and did a litele ticer treating in our naberhood to and wine we came home are bags were fole of candy. my mom told me I get 2 peses of candy every day. on halloween night.
We saw a black cat well my mom was walking the dog. they fited for a litele bit and then they came friends. I got to pet the cat, the cat was very frendly. I huged it because my mom sed I could.