We interrupt this football update to bring to late breaking news updates.....
Update #1:
Gordon is set free! For those who may not know, Gordon is a crayfish that has been the family pet since last June when Jimmy
brought him home from a fishing trip. Gordon was known by some as " That creature living in the garage" by others as "the prehistoric animal in the kids room" but to the Loudamericans, Gordon was our pet. Named afterour dearly departed neighbor, the kids decided it was time to release Gordon back to the wild. So as the sound of taps could be gently heard around the local swamp, Gordon, with one powerful twitch of his tail, was free again.
Update #2
Kay Marie Jeon Murphy scores her first 100 and excellent rating on her second grade spelling test. Ms. Murphy put in long hours over this past summer studying and perfecting her grammar and mathematics skills and from all signs the budding student is applying that learned knowledge. Well done Kay!
Back to our regularly scheduled program.....
Football, as many know, is a game unto itself, demanding focus and discipline from the disciples of the game. Hard work and perseverance are key factors in the succees of any team. the third graders are no exception. The practice this week was centered around staying home and not letting the opposition run the deadly end around play. It worked. The Blue crush stayed home and lived up to their name besting the lads from Minnetonka 25-20. The first W is big for any team, the parents were so proud they formed a human tunnel for the Crush to run through and one of the Dad's commented that if this keeps up at some point we will have to start our selves on fire and make a flaming tunnel. There is enthusiasm and then there is Rudy like behavior!
Here is Jimmy (#42) running the ball carrier down and preventing the third down conversion.