Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Life update -Billy

 Billy is living his best senior year life. Taekwondo, work, college, prom, choir, friends...you name it, he's not afraid to get up early, be busy and put himself out there.

Taekwondo is going well, Grand Champion in pomsea in Iowa this week with 2nd place in sparring.  Both in the adult division. The guy he fought beat him last year and is a beast. He got Billy in the family  jewels twice in one round and I was worried we were going to have to take Billy to urgent care when he was still walking funny 5 hours later. But, he held tough and earned that silver medal!

Every night he is at taekwondo for hours, taking and teaching classes, including doing lesson plans.  They gave him a key to the gym so he's basically in charge. Everyone calls him Mr Murphy. URGH!!

He also asked a girl to prom (Vivian). It wasn't a sure thing, they aren't dating, but she is in choir and they have friends in common. She said "yes" but wants to meet him at prom, not wanting to give up photos and dinner with her friends before prom. I get that. He's got plans with his friends and it all seems to be working out.

He's also busy doing this college prep check list and we are currently signed up for orientation for 2 days in June where he'll also register for classes. He's put the LGBTQ and Engineering dorms on his priority list (no, he doesn't have anything to disclose other than he has friends in the LGBTQ dorm) and is very non-interested in vetting a roommate, he said he figures he'll just get along with who ever he gets. He's excited to play rugby in college and a little worried about how he'll keep up with taekwondo. Not to mention, he knows how hard this will be (class-wise) and I think he's trying to make the most of high school.

He submitted to be a flag carrier for graduation (South Korea) and is singing "Fly me to the moon" in the May 8th concert. Definitely putting himself out there!

He works at BLVD Kitchen and Bar and signs up for shifts whenever he is free. He really likes his coworkers and seems to enjoy the work (and tips when he's wait staff assist). Its fun because a lot of our friends go there for brunch so they are constantly sending us selfies.

The Meadowbrook friend group has a senior road trip planned in July to Yellowstone and the Badlands. They have a whole itinerary including a savings account they've started. WAY more organized than I was in high school.

Billy pretty much has the world by the tail. I love how much he throws himself out there, his quiet confidence and his amazing generous & patient heart and smile.

Happy Joes for a dinner that did NOT agree with the boys, who eats buffalo chicken the night before a competition?! 

Super random but Fulton Ill, has a full size windmill and 3 days of celebrating al l things Dutch in May

The crew or "bars" as they call themselves. 

1st place 

This team rocks! 

John's look is hysterical! 

Oh...and he donated blood


Kris, former TKD mom at BLVD

His sparring division, tough & fun group of guys