Monday, October 10, 2022

VMI parents weekend with Sue!!

 It was an amazing at VMI - too bad they didn’t win ☹️ It was Sue’s 1st visit and now she knows why ‘we don’t do ordinary’

The weather was gorgeous- jimmys friends kind - other parents welcoming and it was just good to all be together. 

1/2 his friends are hurt, which is concerning and Joe Chance is on concussion protocol (Colin has a broken collarbone- Josh an wrecked ankle and Shane a dislocated knee)

We aren’t the only parents upset about the current coaching philosophy of only giving 1-2 string reps in practice - now they have no driyb and more kids will get hurt

The Vikings won, the Packers lost and it was planes trains and automobiles but nothing would have kept us away

Jimmy - we are so proud of you - how kind you are - funny - hardworking and driven 

Your friends and their families love you to death (but they want you to have more fun!!)

Love you beyond measure 


 Doyle’s being silly 

Aiden and Shane TEs

Vikings fans

Hike on Cressie trail 

Signing footballs for fans 

Packers fans!

My 1st snackle box 


Washko’s and Moe