Monday, December 14, 2020

Oh my heart - Billy Baloo is 16!! How did THAT happen?! UPDATE!! He Passed!

 Well, good old Balloo passed his drivers test on his 1st try! He's equally excited and relieved and can't stop talking. Its adorable!  So proud of you Billy!! XOXO Mom and Dad... photos below of celebration DQ and the best smile in the world.

Happy birthday Billy!  He had a pretty good birthday weekend despite COVID.  He, and about 10 of his friends went biking and then had a bonfire with treats and pizza. It was warm for December, but still a bit cold.  I was impressed that they all did wear masks and keep social distance.

Then we had family dinner and shared our 16 favorite things about Billy - kind, persistence, hard worker, good friend, calm, common sense (in his heart), good at tkd, smart, animal whisperer, funny, strong, good at STEM, good at video games, great smile and forgiven for stealing Jimmys airplane sucker when he was 3 (Jimmy needs to figure out how to let that go)

Master Lemon and Ms Grayce even came by with gifts and to ask him to be the ring bearer in their wedding in 2022.. Seems like a long way off but, will be here before we know it! And...they seem bound and determined to turn him into a fashioniesta and they gave him 3 new shirts and a new pair of pants. Very generous!

When we asked him his favorite memory of being 15, COVID was NOT at the top of the list. Top of the list includes: TKD Nationals in Florida with Grandma and Grandpa.  Getting his drivers permit. Biking with friends.  Playing soccer. Not favorite ... distance learning. no TKD tournaments. no vacations/trips with cousins.

He's excited and nervous to test for this drivers license this Friday. Jimmy wants him to be the 1st Murphy kid to pass on the 1st try. We'll see. Tom took him driving yesterday and he nailed his parrallel parking.

Billy, we are so grateful for you. You are sweet, kind, loving, patience, gentle, smart and determined.  We are also extremely grateful for your birth mom, birth family and foster family in Korea. You truly hold the hearts of many many people in your hand.

We love you beyond measure!! And, cant wait to see you success in the next year.  


Mom and Dad

Some throw back photos below:)

He's ALWAYS loved TKD

He misses Ace. Damn COVID

He was such a good friend to Ian

Momma's boy in the best possible way

My heart 

A pretty good haul!

The future Lemon's with their ring "bear"