Monday, June 15, 2020

Virtual MS150 - their 40 yr anniversary, my 26th ride

As I write this, I'm getting ever nearer to my goal of $5,000 for this years ride. Considering it was a virtual ride due to COVID-19, that's pretty impressive.

I have to admit, I was dreading the virtual ride this year.  Even though I had decided to do 50 miles each on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It sounded like a total drag.

Then, Wendy pulled through and had a great idea of reliving and posting all our traditions.  I got excited with the planning and the ideas took off!

And...most importantly, we did it!!  So fun!! Although I do miss and need to get back to the original ride next year.

Some highlights...

Day 1 Ride ... Billy rode with me for 13 miles, Tom rode with me for 14 miles and then I finished off on a long ride. The weather was perfect and it was fun to catch up with my boys. I didn't feel too tired and figured I had done my training well..

Day 1 Traditions - Traditions on the 1st day are big. Usually we take a bus to Duluth, catch up with friends, have a nap and a beer along the way and then set up camp in Proctor, following by dinner at Lil Angies and a walk by Lake Michigan. (Not to mention, trying to sleep while young drunk bikers come back from Canal Park WAY later than us;) This year we modified ....

Tom set up my tent, (normally PorkBellyVentures does this), Birch's on the Lake donated an incredible mexican dinner AND 4 oil cans of their beer (Thanks to Wendy's sister Lisa). I did drink a margarita and then took a walk through the neighborhood listening to the sounds of Lake Michigan thanks to a post from Al Johnsons in Door County. Finally, I DID sleep in my tent and the neighbors obliged the drunk part by sitting around the bonfire and chatting. Perfect.

Day 2 Ride ... My friend Ellie, who's a major biker, joined me for a ride up to Anoka and back. It was a little windy but we managed to pull through ... She had just done 100 miles (a century) 2 days before so I think she was grateful that I don't ride fast;)

Day 2 Traditions - Porto potties, Dominos for 1st lunch and leftovers for 2nd lunch but I did miss seeing Diana at every rest stop- I have no idea how she gets to every rest stop before us on the ride but she does! (more on this later....) !! I did my facial, read my People magazine and then went wandering around the neighborhood with a drink to visit with friends (at Hinkley we usually grab a beer and go visit other tents and find riders we know). I also had smoked pork for dinner, which is what the Target Team Tent usually brings in for us. I wasn't quite in bed by 9pm but did justice with a 10pm curfew and I was TIRED!! Both Maui and Nikki joined me in the tent and its officially their new favorite place to sleep.

Day 3 and the final push!! Jill, a friend through Tammy, Target and non profit leadership road with me out to Waconia and back.  It. Was. Windy. Thank god the Dakota Regional Trail is covered. Yikes - gusts of 20+ mph and a steady headwind at 14mph. But, we were so busy catching up we hardly noticed.  We saw other riders, borrowed toilet paper, ate at the traditional Subway. I always do 1 back end on Sunday during lunch. Just to prove I can. Plus, it feel SO GOOD after bending forward for 150 miles....I also got my traditional massage (thanks Billy and Leshia) and had Tom take my tent down.  Hung up by bike until next year. 

But...the best tradition of all! The support from all my friends....

All of your amazing donations. I'm well over $4,000 and on my way to my goal of $5,000.

Here's the weekend in photos...

Super yummy mexican

Pizza! 1st lunch

Cant even count how many of these I used

Day 2 left overs for 2nd lunch

My riding buddy

So grateful he rode with me since I think he secretly hates it

My lone ride

margarita!! and bottomless chips 

Diana from last year, true - 1st lunch is always at 10


Ellie - Day 2 riding buddy 

Face mask and People 

Other riders, what a great community 

Jill - dear friend 

1st Lunch day 2

Once a year I do it to prove I can

Until next year 

My 'help' taking down my tent 

The best part of all 

40 years...

Diana DID come through and make 7 signs that she sent out virtually for rest stops. She's the best. 

Finally stop....