Thursday, April 16, 2020

Jimmy's 18th Gotcha Day

Well, Jimmy's 18th Gotcha Day came and went in a blur of StayatHomeMN and Easter.
The good news is, he didn't seem to mind:)

On Friday, 4/10, we did the usual social media storm of posting embarrassing photos and sharing with the world how blessed we were to bring Jimmy home. We planned for his favorite dinner (orange chicken) and were ready to celebrate him.

Then...he told us he was fasting for Good Friday (there goes dinner) so we rescheduled that part to Saturday.

Then, Saturday shows up and we see a number of social media posts wishing Hayden a Happy Gotcha Day. Hold on! They have the same Gotcha Day since they came home together.  Wow, we royally screwed this up.

On top of it all, we forgot to post our annual blog about it.

I guess that is what happens when you are officially an adult, your parents forget all about you:)

In the end though, it was the perfect day. We celebrated him, had a nice dinner (orange chicken which he also ate for breakfast the next day) and all shared our favorite parts of him.  Tracy said his helpfulness and kindness.  Tom said his infinite curiosity and Billy said his perseverance.  Kay slept through the whole thing so she missed out.

We are so so so blessed to have this amazing person in our lives. He's friendly, kind, generous, funny, smart, determined, hardworking, curious, a good friend and a seeker of truth. 

We can never be grateful enough to his birth family, especially birth mother, foster family and all the social workers and judges who made his adoption possible. Their greatest gift and hardest decision became the start of our forever family.

We love you Jimmy!!!

Holi - Jimmy was way into it until the neighbor Dad got involved and now he will never forget and never forgive

Chess on the cruise, Billy always manages to beat everyone


Leaving ESWS in Seoul. It was beyond emotional. We were thrilled and terrified. We wanted to leave as fast as we could but also wanted him to stay in Seoul forever. We loved him instantly but were heartbroken for his birth mother and foster family. Adoption is never an easy or clear emotion.

Such an impressive young man.

The crew.