Monday, October 14, 2024

Quick update including Tom's birthday


We came back from the north shore and its been a whirlwind of celebrating with friends, Tom's birthday, and fun/big events in our families lives. Whew. Feels like the "quick get everything done before the holidays set in" mode!

We celebrated Tom's birthday with the kids but somehow didn't take any photos. Not sure what's up with that. We are so blessed by him and grateful for him. I love his humor, patience, and how he takes care of us. I know the kids appreciate his generosity and willingness to literally do ANYTHING for them. Our lives are so rich because of him and his love.

Cedric was chosen to be 1 of 3 Costa Rican's to compete at the Pan Am games in Peru on short board. It was a bit complicated because they chose the team really late and then made the athletes pay their own way (and didn't send a coach, what's up with that!?!)  He passed his 1st heat but did not pass his second but...what an amazing experience to compete with the top surfers across the world! We are so proud of his 1st Pan Am games. Can't wait to see what the next ones bring!

Kay FINALLY let Tom come down and put up her TV and the huge mahi mahi on her wall. I "think" she is now officially all the way moved in. But... who knows, she always has some project up her sleeve. As far as I'm concerned she better live in this apartment a LONG time.

We had Eva and Tim (Wendy's niece and boyfriend from Denmark) over for dinner with Wendy and Jody and it was SO FUN! We tasted local Oktoberfest beers, ate delicious plant based protien cabbage rolls and enjoyed a beautiful fall (which felt like summer) night. 

Herbie was on homecoming court and took his girlfriend Dyllan. So weird that these kids all have significant others!!!

Went to the annual Planned Parenthood event courtesy of Leona and her girl posse. Wendy even got to say "thank you" to Amy Klobuchar for the work her team did to help bring over Maria and Erik when Annemiek was sick and there were international travel restrictions due to COVID. No dry eyes.

I'm sure there is more I'm missing but...Sue and Jimmy come this weekend so...there will be another post soon!

Big hugs, peace, and love to all.


Monday, September 23, 2024

North shore

 So grateful for our annual trip to Allison and Larries cabin in Silver Bay. Its always full of good friends, delicious food, great conversation, beautiful hikes and (my favorite) lots of down time on Lake Superior reading and enjoying the big lake/waves. 

This year, we brought along Wendy, Jody and Zoe so it was even MORE fun!

We even ran into Jack G on one of the hikes! Tom's college roommate Mikes son. Crazy! 

On the way home we were fortunate to catch Bob and Chandra for lunch.

We are so blessed with long time friends that are really family.

Love to you all



Pot hole waterfall hike

Oberg Mountain 

My fave

2 step waterfall

Tettegouche lake overlook

Friday, September 13, 2024

Girls weekend!

 Oh my gosh, spent the most amazing weekend with the most amazing people in the most amazing place on the north shore!

Mary invited Sandra and I to her in laws cabin. It was her step father in law's grandmothers cabin (can you track that?) and has been in the family for 100 years.

My biggest gripe about the north shore (which I LOVE) is that you have to get on highway 61 to go anywhere! And, much of the time, all the good hiking trails are on the "other" side of the highway from the lake. So, great views, but you can't hear the crashing of the wave.

Not so at EFA. It's 150 acres right on the lake, owned by the same 50 families for 100 years. You have to register as a guest and promise not to post any identifying photos/hash tags. They have worked hard to keep it a secret and so far, its been effective.

The wealthiest Minnesoteans founded the EFA a hundred years ago and have very strict rules around preserving the environment, etc.  Surprisingly, most of the cars there are honda's and toyotas and the people we ran into were very down to earth.

However, it does feel a bit elitist to even have the privilege to do this. Its a weird vibe.

We had a great time. Sandra brought yummy food and Mary provided a cozy, rustic cabin. I bought the ladies dinner one night. We hiked twice a day, read books by the lake, had a picnic lunch, saw an eagle, heard loons, laughed, cried, shared stories about kids, talked about the future, know, all the typical long time good friend stuff. My heart and soul were happy.

I hope we were good guests and are invited back. I am so grateful and told Mary about 1,000 times how surreal and beautiful it was.

And, in 2 weeks, we get to go back up to Silver Bay and stay with Larrie and Allison for another soul filled north shore weekend.

I am blessed.

Monday, September 02, 2024

And… the final move

 Holy cow, its been a whirlwind! I don't suggest moving 3 kids into 3 apartments in the course of 8 weeks. Yikes!  However, they are launch and we are back to empty nesters (or affectionately known as free birds!)

Tom worked hard and got the boat working and we had a lovely cruise around Medicine Lake. Its a small boat and would be perfect for Little Glen lake.  I think its cute but I also think Tom wants something bigger for fishing. We'll see...

Grandpa was recognized as 1 of 2 volunteers of the year at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park! As it should be! He and Grandma do SO much for the park and they love it so much. We love them (and the park) so its awesome to see all the love going around.

And, the grand finale, Billy moved into his apartment with his friend Mark. Its very urban, high ceilings, natural light, right across from campus and hardly any storage. The bedroom has a full xl bunk and 2 full size dressers, only 1 person can stand in it at a time. I hope they get all their stuff put away otherwise its going to be an eternal mess. Tom helped haul all the furniture and get the kitchen set up. I hauled all his personal stuff and then took he/Mark to Target for a major Target and grocery run. Never again. 2 engineers outfitting an apartment?!  They had to debate the merits of each and every purchase.... do you like thick rugs or thinner rugs?  the merits of both and then "maybe we should wait and decide later" NO!!! Decide now for god sakes!!  Pasta sauce, spicy? with meat? which brand? again, JUST BUY SOMETHING!! Needless to say I was a bit of a task master but we were never getting out of there at their rate. Then, getting back to watching  bunch of squirrels.  I asked them to put away food 1st so that we could go to lunch.  So...put away apples, get distracted by the Apple TV, go looking for the TV cords, find a pile of shoes, start putting those away, notice that the milk is sitting out, put that away, oh...where did I put the surge protector, stop to chat about what they need to buy online since Target was out of stock....urgh!! Focus people, Focus!  I did manage to get them unpacked in the bathroom, kitchen and living area. They are on their own for the bedroom. I hope they actually make it to class on time tomorrow. Good thing, they are both engineering majors so have a few classes together, hopefully that will help them focus.

I am excited for them. This is a new stage of adulting and its a great place and their friends are all in walking distance. Billy is excited to be back near his friends, by the river, on campus and be able to rock climb again.  Didn't mention being excited for school itself and I know he'll miss Juni. 

Tom and Kay start school hours again tomorrow...

Wishing everyone a great start to the school year!




And, Billy we love you beyond measure, you are good, kind, hardworking person. You'll be just fine, especially once your bossy mom is out of the way.