This is Billy's last year as a cadet (age 12-14) and he's (finally) growing! (we bought him new pants in September that are already too short). Everyone is noticing his voice has changed and he's getting a little surly around the edges (wears headphones all the time, hates to shower, drinking a gallon of chocolate milk a day know ... the typical teenage boy stuff) He's now 99 lbs and just cleared 5 ft tall. You go Billy!
This is all great news because next year he'll compete in juniors (15-17) and he needs all the momentum he can get! (you compete in the age group that you'll be in by 12/31 of that year. Sort of a drag for Billy since he's a mid December birthday)
His fighting continues to be strategic and intentional and could use a bit more aggression. His pomsea (forms) is precise and controlled. He consistently takes a place and is good about learning from his mistakes and losses. He loves his teammates and they have a ton of fun.
We'll let the photos and videos speak for themselves....
We love you Billy, continue to do what you love!! We love you!!
Tournament of Champions 1
Golden Point - 1st person to score within 1 minute wins - Billy lost in the last 2 seconds
Sioux Falls Pomsea
Sioux Falls Sparring 1
Sioux Falls Sparring 2
Chicago Pomsea
He was so bummed that he couldn't ride the mini Shamu ride over and over and over and over like he did when he was 5
Reunion!! Ian, Grace and Billy - They had an amazing time hanging out, playing cards and video games post Billys tournament in SD