Thursday, June 20, 2024

My favorite place on earth


I (Tracy) just got back from 6 days at my favorite place in the whole world. Really. Sleeping Bear Dunes. Not to rehash history, but cliff notes version ... I've been going there since I was 2 and my folks have a cottage.

This is the 2nd time that "the girls" have gone by ourselves (no kids or spouses) AND it was over Father's Day! I think this is the 1st time in 35+ years we've been with Dad on Fathers Day!

It was awesome. Gorgeous, relaxing, adventurous, vacation.

We did a new hike to the base of Pierce Stocking and Tammy/I climbed the whole thing for the 2nd time in our lives (45 degree angle, 450 ft up, which is a 45 story building) You can't even see the bottom when you are at the top. CRAZY!

We also toured Keiths (the caretaker that helps my folks and is also my Dads best friend) wild flower pasture and his brothers lavender farm. Their family is original settlers and the road they live on is only inhabited by family members - Simek Rd. Crazy!

We also did all the obvious stuff, sunsets, bike rides, ice cream, happy hour, Thai Massage (thanks Julie! ), and read books.  Plus, the annual, long lasting argument with my mother about her needs and my desire to create a new narrative for my role in the family. I tried to be kind and firm and....I'm sure we'll have the exact same discussion next year.

I missed the kids, Tom and the dog but...this place makes my heart sign with happiness. One of the few places and actually truly relax.

I can't wait until we can spend longer, uninterrupted time at the cottage in the future.

Big love to my athletic, adventurous, crazy, maddening, family.  I love you to bits. 

New hike around a lake that borders Lake Michigan on the way to Pierce Stocking 

Julie and MOm 

Aspiring to climb PS 

Our butts going up PS

Sunsets are then best 

Yes, it is that steep 

We did it! 

Oh .. Solomon walked the runway in Paris, again. 

The kids nailed Tom's fathers day gift 

Billys brand new girl friend Juni 

The Hickeys 

A kazillion tadpoles 

Keiths wildflower pasture 

The lavender farm 

These really ARE dutch cookies, its been confirmed by the Sistermens 

My favorite wild flower, an indian paint brush (although I"m sure that's that the official name and absolutely isnt politically correct) 

Little Glen is SO clear 

The International Studies Alumni Society article on Jimmy 

Sunday, June 09, 2024

 Holy sh-t, we did it!  #30 in the books!

Every year has themes and new, exciting changes...

This year.... I had a flat tire on Day one, 25 min into the ride. URGH...Thank god for my heroes Ned and Wendy, they changed my flat and it was smooth sailing from there on out. Except, for when we missed a turn and got off the course on the last leg of today. Luckily we were not the only ones and a small posse worked together to figure it out.

The weather cooperated, low 70's, mostly tail winds, and we didn't get rained on (at least while we were biking). That's a huge win!

Day 2 felt way easier than Day 1, which is odd but I'll take it!

And, on top of all of this, YOU all helped me KILL my goal!  Right now, I'm over $5,700 on a goal of $5,000. I am beyond thrilled and grateful for each of you. I'm hoping this puts me in the top 30 riders.

Thank you for being my support, my inspiration, and my people.

Peace, love, and tailwinds,

Tracy’s Instagram

Now for throw back photos 

Dick and Ned's Dad